Dementia cases will increase
Posted on 11th March 2022
Research shows that more than 153million people around the world could have dementia by 2050. That’s almost three times the 2019 figure.
In 2019 an estimated one in 74 people had dementia in the UK but by 2050 this number might increase by 75% to 1.6million. This represents about one in 46 people and, since each of us is likely to know around 150 people, that means we will probably all know at least three people affected by dementia.
Researchers reported in The Lancet say that the predicted rise is largely due to an ageing and growing population. However, unhealthy lifestyles are also contributing factors. Risks include obesity, diabetes and smoking.
What can be done?
The study provides country-level estimates and information about selected risk factors to give national governments a clearer picture of the problem.
For most countries support for healthier diets, more exercise, giving up smoking, and better access to education are all expected to be important steps.
Be prepared
None of us knows what the future will hold but someone who receives a diagnosis of dementia can still make their Will and put Lasting Powers of Attorney in place. This must be done while they still have the mental capacity to understand the meaning and implications of what they are doing.
However, there might be a time when they are unable to make decisions about their care, finances or the disposal of their estate.
If this should happen LPAs mean that one or more trusted people can be your attorneys who can take decisions on your behalf. Your LPAs will only be used if you can’t make your own decisions.
There are two types of LPA for your finances and care and you can appoint the same attorneys for both or choose different people.
A health and welfare LPA allows someone to make decisions regarding your medical care, your future care needs, such as the decision to move into a care home, and life-sustaining treatment.
A property and financial affairs LPA allows someone to make decisions about your bank or building society accounts, paying bills, collecting benefits or a pension, or buying and selling your house.
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