Posts from October 2018

If you are a business owner, making sure that someone can make decisions on your behalf could make the difference between your business continuing or failing. 
You can authorise someone to make decisions with a lasting power of attorney (LPA). This is important if you are abroad, have an accident and are unconscious or have a medical condition such as dementia, for example. 
You can give someone you trust authority to pay bills, sign cheques, manage a business loan and pay salaries. 
Whether you’re just starting your business or thinking about retirement, it’s well worth spending some time to plan what you would like to happen when you die. 
What type of business do you have? 
If you are a sole trader or you control all of the shares in your company, you don’t need to consult anyone else.  
However, as a partner or a shareholder in a limited company, you will need to take your partnership or shareholders' agreement into account. If you want to make changes you will need to agree the new terms with the other people involved.ick on this text to edit it.